Monday 29 November 2021

Produktfoto-Retusche & Touch-up-Services

Photograph Modify spielt auf die digitale Verschönerung, Retusche und Interaktion der Fotoveränderung an. Dies geschieht, um eine Anpassung des Bildes vorzunehmen. Auf diese Weise wird das Thema der Bildshow wunderbar sein, wenn die Redakteure das Foto korrigieren. Retuscheur versuchen, das Foto mit der winzigen Reparatur in den Fotos zu verändern. Im Foto modifizieren Sie das Schattierungsmittel, das weiße Gleichgewicht oder die Änderung der Fotoverwaltung des Bildes. Zusätzlich werden Trimmen, Umformen, Offenheit, Kontrastrevision, Strukturverbesserung usw. abgeschlossen. Mehr oder weniger muss sich der Meister darauf konzentrieren, welche Arten von Bildkorrekturgetrieben benötigt werden, um die Bildgröße zu verbessern.


Hochzeit der größte Schnappschuss unseres Lebens. Folglich versuchen wir, auf den Hochzeitsfotos schön und stilvoll zu sein. An dem Punkt, an dem der Fotograf alle Fotos der Hochzeit macht, müssen sie nachträglich verändert werden. Kompetente Reparaturspezialisten werden bei dieser Veränderung behilflich sein und Einzelpersonen dabei unterstützen, das Gedächtnis unverwechselbar zu machen.


Hochzeitsfoto modifizieren ist gewinnbringend für den Anlass der Vorstandsorganisationen, Hochzeitsfotografen und verschiedene Personengruppen.


Wie dem auch sei, Retuscheur verwenden verschiedene Mittel der Schattierung, des Kontrasts und so weiter, um die Fehler der Fotos zu vernichten. Auf diese Weise wählen Sie den Meister aus, um die Fachorganisation zu korrigieren, damit Sie Ihr Foto wie die Hochzeit als Zweite erhalten.



 Item-Fotografie ist das Juwel des Internet-Business. Denn die Darstellung des Bildes erfordert Materie in der Geschäftswelt. Alles in allem ist es wichtig, jedes einzelne Detail des Artikels zu zeigen.


Mit der besten und besten Kamera mit den besten Reparaturverwaltungen. Das bedeutet, die entsprechende Schattierung, den Artikel und die Oberfläche des Fotos zu gewährleisten. Viel mehr ist, dass der größte Teil der internetbasierten Einzelhändler erkennt, dass das webbasierte Handelszentrum auf Fotos angewiesen ist, die dem Unternehmen in der webbasierten Welt helfen würden. Darüber hinaus würde die Fotokorrektur den Artikelfotos helfen, die dem Kunden den besten Plan geben.


Wenn Sie Fotoretuschedienste benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Fotoretuscheur von Clipixie India.

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Um guia completo para serviços de retoque de fotos de joalharia

Nas compras online, as pessoas precisam de acreditar apenas nos visuais para tomarem uma decisão, quer queiram ou não. as imagens de mercadoria são a principal coisa que um comprador nota, e, portanto, a única hipótese de formar um impacto inicialmente olhar é através de fotos impressionantes.


As pessoas querem selecionar a peça de joalharia certa, e fotos maçantes não as obrigam a selecionar o seu produto. embora a fotografia falhe, os serviços de retoque de fotos do produto podem ajudá-lo a sair. Vamos verificar por que é importante, e por isso as formas alternativas de retoque ajudam as suas imagens de joalharia a brilhar.

Porque é que o retoque de joias é importante?

  • Para limpar a aparência da mercadoria
  • Chamar a atenção para todas ou quaisquer características mais simples
  • Remova manchas visíveis, impressões digitais, etc.
  • Aumentar a especialização do cliente na mercadoria
  • Level & crop a imagem para eliminar distrações
  • Impulsionar o brilho, o brilho e a clareza em imagens aborrecidas
  • Crie um brilho que é desejado em fotos de joalharia

O que faz o Retoque de Joias?

  • Remover fundo distraído

As plataformas de ecommerce preferem ter fundos brancos para produtos, e a Amazon até o mandatou para todos os produtos da sua loja. parece desnecessário, mas na verdade, é melhor possuir um fundo branco claro, para que o foco dos espectadores permaneça inteiramente no seu produto. Para joias, pedras e metais destacam-se mais proeminentemente num cenário branco. 

  • Ajuste reflexões e sombras 

É quase impossível evitar reflexos em joias com pedras, metais e outros elementos que brilham. Se empregar luzes, sombras e reflexões a seu favor, irá apresentar o mais simples dentro das joias e acentuar o seu apelo. No entanto, três fatores equivalentes podem causar inconvenientes se não forem devidamente ajustados. Sombras e reflexos podem adicionar o seu favor por:

  • Fazer as imagens parecerem mais realistas
  • Adicionando profundidade para formar a coisa sobressaem
  • Exalar uma aura de profissionalismo
Para capturar imagens de joalharia com sombras e reflexos puros, você gostaria de uma correta compreensão da iluminação e controlo de iluminação. Se isso não for possível, tentará obter um efeito equivalente pós-fotografia com a ajuda de qualquer agência profissional de retoque de fotografias. Mantêm uma biblioteca de reflexos ideais. em vez de retocar cada imagem mal capturada, precisam de uma biblioteca de reflexos ideais para se instalarem e usarem como substituto.  

  • Manter a integridade usando a correção de cores

Os produtos e joias, especialmente, precisam de correção de cores para transmitir a tonalidade particular em vez da capturada na câmara. Os nossos olhos podem devorar a cor particular, ao contrário das câmaras, que mantêm a sua sensibilidade para pintar independentemente da iluminação e fazer com que as cores pareçam diferentes do que realmente são. Além disso, joias com cores que pop é mais propenso a atrair compradores do que os seus homólogos aborrecidos. Cada tonalidade deve ser distinta, por exemplo, se um comprador passar por anéis diferentes, eles podem esperar uma diferença entre um anel de liga e um de prata ou platina. 

Não só mantém o tom particular da mercadoria, como a correção de cores também torna as imagens mais apelativas visualmente e fornece-lhe uma borda bem-determinada e acabada. Também facilita as lojas, uma vez que poupam tempo e custos ao não criarem variações de 1 design para fornecer uma amostra. Escapam também a qualquer perda, evitando a probabilidade de não vender todas as variações.

Evite brilho excessivo em pedras preciosas

As pedras preciosas devem ser refletoras, por isso é difícil evitar o seu brilho. Navegar à volta dos brilhos, sombras, pontos coloridos e outras distorções é difícil. Às vezes não há como consertá-lo além de obter serviços de retoque de fotos especializados. Um comprador que quer comprar joias de diamante online gostaria que parecesse tão impecável como é anunciado. 

Os ângulos têm que ser afiados; o sol deve produzir o brilho certo. O retoque pode corrigir quaisquer defeitos e restaurar o brilho das pedras preciosas em imagens para que os seus detalhes sejam visíveis. O objetivo é forme-o natural sem afetar o seu design ou estilo original.

Com mais marcas a deslocarem as suas lojas online por dia, o mercado de joalharia é extremamente competitivo. Em tal situação, o retoque ajuda-o a ganhar uma posição de pé adicionando um toque conhecedor às suas imagens para forme-as mais apelativas para potenciais compradores. A maioria das agências de edição de fotos na Índia oferecem serviços de edição de imagem de produto, mas a nossa equipa de especialistas certificados pela Adobe pode fornecer resultados garantidos de qualidade mesmo dentro de um prazo decente.    

Sunday 17 October 2021

Top 11 Reasons Why Photo Editing Services Is Worth Outsourcing

Bright, clear, vibrant pictures attract customers like a moth to a flame. Most businesses rely on editors who can create amazing visuals for everything from website graphics to marketing. Whether it is product pages, advertisements, or social media posts, good-quality images are a necessity. So why not hire the best photo editors to get professional results? Let's look at the top eleven reasons why outsourcing is worth it.

  1. Takes Less Time

When you have to make complicated edits or need to edit a lot of images quickly, the process can be time-consuming if you are not a professional editor. Hiring a photo editing agency can save your precious time and help you meet tight deadlines.

  1. Allows You To Focus On Other Tasks

When you are free from long hours of editing, you can better focus on your business or other tasks that require your direct attention. You will also avoid tiring yourself and working late hours if you leave the editing to the experts who can get it done faster.

  1. Easy Customization

You may be aware of some editing techniques but may not have the expertise to edit complex images. If you are a photographer, your client may need the image for different purposes. If you are a business owner, you want stunning visuals that stand out among the rest. Professional editors will help you customize the images and produce the results you require, saving precious time.  

  1. High-Quality Results

Agencies hire professional editors with the necessary expertise to deliver the best quality results, even for the most complex images. They have the resources and tools required to make quick edits. They use the latest software and technology to meet the expected standards. 

  1. Highly Reliable

Photo editing service providers have security and non-disclosure policies that you can rely on. Most agencies have a license to avoid plagiarism and promise image prediction while implementing security protocols to ensure non-disclosure and safety of projects.

  1. Attracts Customers

Including stunning visuals in your portfolio will attract more clients, and the time that you would otherwise spend on editing the images can be used to complete other important tasks. As a business owner, visuals are essential to building a brand image, and it helps to acquire more customers, leading to more sales.

  1. Better Consistency

Maintaining consistency across your work can help determine your photography style and highlight your photos. Brands that are consistent with their logo, image quality, and services tend to have a higher brand value. The most popular brands maintain consistency so that customers recognize them. High-quality graphics increase brand positioning and recognition, catching customers’ attention quickly.

  1. Get Higher ROI

When you allocate resources properly, you receive higher returns on your investment. Spending precious time editing images to perfection may not be the best use of your time when you have important business tasks to manage. By outsourcing image editing services, you will be spending less capital on them, not to mention you could spend that time focusing on your business.

  1. Generate More Income

Wisely utilize the time you have saved by hiring a photo editing agency. Focus on your core business functions or network to build relationships with others in the photography industry. You can maximize the use of social media or expand your online presence to reach out to more customers. 


  1. Cut Expense On Resources


By outsourcing, you can avoid the expense incurred on photo editing tools, software, equipment, and technology. While high-quality results demand nothing less than perfect, it also requires a lot of resources to achieve that result. 

  1. Quick Turnaround Time

If you are part of an industry like real estate or eCommerce, your entire business is dependent on high-quality images. Stunning visuals attract more customers to your website or listings, but they also increase the chances of sales. 

Many assume they won’t find a photo editing agency that is suitable for their budget. If you are looking for cost-effective editing services that deliver stunning results, get in touch with us at Clipixie.

Sunday 3 October 2021

5 Reasons Why Do You Need Professional Clipping Path Services

Clipping path is one of the most essential photo editing services and an integral part of the eCommerce industry. While it is used for various reasons, primarily it is used to isolate a subject from a background that needs to be removed. In eCommerce, this is done to highlight the product and remove distracting elements from an image. Since images are vital for websites, social media, and other online purposes, they need to be perfect. The clipping path improves images by increasing their aesthetic appeal and results in stunning, eye-catching visuals. 

Clipping path services

What Is The Clipping Path Service?

The clipping path is a method for background removal that is executed using the Photoshop pen tool. It allows the user to separate the subject from the background for removal or replacement. It is essential in many industries and particularly useful for product advertisements. Some eCommerce sites even require a transparent or plain white background for product images, making it necessary to avail clipping path service. 

Advantages of Clipping Path Services

  1. Quick & Efficient

When you require a bulk of images, the clipping path can be a lifesaver. The agency that offers quick clipping path services understands and values its client’s time. Clipping path is one of the quickest techniques in photo editing, and it can also get the work done efficiently.

  1. Easily Available

The clipping path is one of the most common services offered by agencies and editing professionals. But choosing the best agency can give you the maximum benefit of the service. To make things easier, most agencies that provide editing services only require you to fill out a form and upload the images to avail of the services.

  1. Cost-Effective

Instead of hiring an in-house team of image editors to avail of clipping path services, you can just send your photos to an editing agency to get the same work done at a lower cost. Some also offer packages for those who require the clipping path or other editing services on a regular basis and even give discounts for bulk orders.

  1. Reliability

Editing through a set of bulk images can be frustrating if you are not a professional. On the other hand, image editing agencies often receive bulk orders and can deliver the desired results even under a tight deadline. They can get complex clipping paths of any complicated images done in a fraction of the time it takes an amateur editor. They also offer cost-effective pricing plans for bulk orders, making them reliable whenever you need clipping path services.

  1. Post-Production

Color-corrected images look much better than original ones, and that is why images are enhanced before they are uploaded online. When you avail of clipping path services, often they are combined with other services like background removal and image manipulation services, so you get all your editing needs under one roof.  

Most photo editing agencies make the process easier by accepting online uploads. They pass it on to their best experts, who edit the images according to your instructions. Some offer discounts or pricing plans for bulk or regular orders for those who require editing services for loads of images at once or on a frequent basis. If you are looking for a photo editing agency, contact us at Clipixie.

Thursday 23 September 2021

5 Tips Every Photo Retouching Agency Uses To Get Jaw-Dropping Results

Regardless of how great your camera is, sometimes even the best photography equipment can bring about images that need a bit of retouching. In contrast to editing, retouching holds the significant parts of the first image and just means to upgrade the quality without giving it an altered appearance. Before you begin looking for "photo retouching agency near me" to pick an agency, go through these 5 master tips that will make each retouching task simpler.


Eliminate The Background

Utilize the recuperating brush or avoid and consume apparatus to eliminate any interruptions from the foundation and get an all the more plain, uniform scenery. The mending brush permits you to adjust the foundation surface without changing the tone. To adjust the iridescence, change two layers of the bend and utilize the brush where you need to apply the avoid and consume device.


You can profit master photo editing services for more complicated foundation expulsion since the foundation of the image, especially in item photography, ought not divert the watcher's concentration from the subject. Any imperfections or items behind the scenes that redirect the customer's consideration from the item should be taken out.


Repair Skin In Moderation

Skin retouching is one of the premier utilizations of photo retouching services. Notwithstanding, even specialists sometimes inadvertently exaggerate the retouching, which gives the skin an unnaturally faultless appearance.


While for the most part retouching is utilized to eliminate spots, imperfections, under-eye packs, and kinks to smoothen out the skin and produce a more stylish allure for the last image, exorbitant utilization of retouching devices makes the skin look fake and less engaging.


Take off Wrinkles From Clothing

A great deal of the watcher's spotlight will without a doubt be on the clothing for attire item photography. Sometimes the garments get crumpled out during photography, which can be handily taken out during the after creation measure.


To "iron" out the dress and eliminate wrinkles from attire items in images, utilize the mending brush, the spot recuperating brush, or the fix apparatus. Recurrence differentiation is one more method utilized in image editing services, a non-dangerous method of retouching apparel to eliminate any wrinkles or overlap checks and mellow grouped dress to make delicate outlines.


Dispose Of Stray Hairs

Flyaway strands of hair can impede an individual's perspective on the model in images and are for the most part considered diverting. It isn't surprising to correct strands of hair that get isolated and should be taken out to give the last image an expert and stylishly engaging look.


Determination edge methods, for example, cutting veils and image concealing with contrast sliders and padding are utilized to fix flyaways. While it could be unavoidable when the photographer is making the efforts, it should be eliminated to bring about a more refined look, especially for very good quality style photography.


Work With Adjustment Layer

At the point when you are making changes to your images, never change the setting layer and consistently make a copy layer before you begin editing to keep your unique unaffected by any changes. It may appear to be a great deal of work when you need to roll out speedy improvements, however everything will work out just fine in the event that you adjust your perspective on the alters.


On the off chance that you enlist an expert photo editing agency, they select to make non-damaging adjustments for more prominent control and adaptability over image alters. For differentiating iridescence, adjustment layers have a colossal effect to accomplish the best lighting style for your image.


Ordinary images you see around yourself are bound to be altered than not. Cameras don't catch as our eyes do, so images go through an escalated after creation measure that incorporates skin smoothening, cosmetics retouching, hair expulsion, and even foundation evacuation to look faultlessly great. In the event that you need the support of a specialist, reach out to us at Clipixie, an expert photo retouching agency in India.

Monday 20 September 2021

All You Need To Know About Photo Retouching Services Using Photoshop

 In most simple terms, retouching allows one to improve the overall aesthetic of an image. It refers to the removal of unwanted elements and defects from an image. Other than getting rid of the smaller unnecessary elements, retouching can also help you erase skin imperfections for fashion and beauty photography.

Photo editing services are meant to take care of the minor details of the image, and most businesses leverage this to add final touches and polish off the image.

Retouching is a process that takes care of many aspects of an image, so until you analyze the photo, it’s difficult to say how long it can take. As the last stage of the production process, it takes care of all the imperfections in a photo. This includes teeth brightening, eye enhancement, skin smoothening, digital make-up, color correction, tone correction, blemish removal, saturation, brightness, and contrast change. 

Why Is Retouching Necessary? 

Retouching is essential in many areas, especially portrait photography. It makes any image flawless and can even be used to remove fingerprint marks from the product and remove any minor imperfections that took place during product photography. A retouched photo attracts people’s attention and influences them to take action. Typically, an experienced editor will modify an image according to the client’s wishes. Photo retouching has many applications, but most of the time it is used for getting rid of scratches, marks, and other visible imperfections.

Various Tools Used In Photo Retouching Services

  1. Healing Brush Tool

The healing brush tool allows you to correct the blemishes, imperfections & uneven skin in any image. It takes sampled pixels from the image and helps you to blend the imperfections into the image easily. It copies sampled pixels and texture, lighting shading, and even the transparency of those selected pictures.

  1. Spot Healing Tool

Spot healing tool works similar to the healing brush tool except that you don’t have to take the sample pixels. It automatically matches the sample from the surrounding pixels, without a sample. It works much faster, but there are certain areas for which you will have to use the healing brush tool to get more precise and accurate results.

  1. Red Eye Tool

The red-eye tool gets rid of the red pupils caused by the flash photos. If you're taking photos in a dimly lit room, at night, or in another circumstance where there's low light, this helpful tool will make your subjects look more natural. Red-eye is caused by the reflection of the flash of the camera when the pupils of the eye are wide open. The red-eye tool in Photoshop is an easy-to-use tool for getting rid of red eyes from photos.

  1. Patch Tool

The patch tool helps you to edit or repair specifically selected areas while matching the shading and texture of sample pixels. Primarily, the tool is used to repair larger areas very fast and quite seamlessly. It also gets rid of any distractions or blemishes in an image. Each time you use the patch tool, it will give a slightly different result, even on the same selection.

  1. Blur And Sharpen Tool

Blur and sharpen tools are also used to correct images and repair rough or sharp elements. The blur tool is used to blur the background and bring the main object into focus, whereas the sharpen tool is used to increase the contrast of the pixels.  

  1. Dodge & Burn Tool

The dodge and burn tool allows us to lighten or darken certain areas of an image. You can use these tools to adjust highlights, mid-tones, or shadows. The more you paint over the image using the dodge and burn tool, the lighter or darker it gets, respectively. They offer the ability to target detailed areas faster and more accurately and are based on traditional darkroom dodging and burning.

People often confuse terms like ‘photo retouching’, ‘photo editing’, ‘airbrushing’, and ‘post-production’. While all of them are related to image manipulation, some photographers use them to refer to the same thing, while others use them differently. If you want to get your images edited professionally in no time, contact us at Clipixie, a photo editing agency. Our experts can deliver high-quality images and even accommodate bulk orders to make your work easier.

Thursday 16 September 2021

A Complete Guide For Jewelry Photo Retouching Services

  In online shopping, people need to believe visuals alone to make a decision whether or not they want to get. the merchandise images are the primary thing a buyer notices, and therefore the only chance to form an impact initially glance is thru stunning photos. 

People want to select the right piece of jewellery, and dull photos won't compel them to select your product. albeit photography fails, product photo retouching services can assist you out. Let’s check out why it's important, and therefore the alternative ways retouching helps your jewelry images shine.

Why Is Jewelry Retouching Important?

  • To clean up the looks of the merchandise 
  • Bring attention to all or any the simplest features
  • Remove visible blemishes, fingerprints, etc. 
  • Increase customer’s specialise in the merchandise 
  • Level & crop the image to eliminate distractions 
  • Boost brightness, shine, and clarity in dull pictures 
  • Create a sparkle that’s desired in jewelry photos

What Does Jewelry Retouching Do?

  • Remove Distracting Background

Ecommerce platforms prefer having white backgrounds for products, and Amazon has even mandated it for all the products in its store. it'd seem unnecessary, but actually, it's better to possess a clear white background, so viewers focus remains entirely on your product. For jewelry, stones and metals stand out more prominently against a white backdrop. 

  • Adjust Reflections and Shadows 

It’s almost impossible to avoid reflections in jewelry with stones, metals and other elements that shine. If you employ lights, shadows and reflections to your advantage, you'll bring out the simplest within the jewelry and accentuate its appeal. However, an equivalent three factors can cause inconveniences if not adjusted properly. Shadows and reflections can add your favor by:

  • Making images appear more realistic
  • Adding depth to form the thing stand out
  • Exuding an aura of professionalism

To capture jewelry images with neat shadows and reflections, you would like a correct understanding of illumination and lighting control. If that isn’t possible, you'll attempt to achieve an equivalent effect post-photography with help from any professional photo retouching agency. They maintain a library of ideal reflections. rather than retouching every poorly captured picture, they need a library of ideal reflections to settle on from and use as a substitute.  

  • Maintain Integrity by Using Color Correction

Products and jewellery, especially, need color correction to convey the particular hue rather than the one captured on camera. Our eyes can devour the particular color, unlike cameras, which maintain their sensitivity to paint no matter the lighting and make colors appear different than they really are. Moreover, jewelry with colors that pop is more likely to draw in buyers than its dull counterparts. Each shade must be distinct- for instance, if a buyer goes through different rings, they might expect a difference between a alloy ring and a silver or platinum one. 

Not only does it maintain the particular shade of the merchandise, but color correction also makes images more visually appealing and provides it knowledgeable, finished edge. It also makes it easier for stores since they save time and costs by not creating variations of 1 design to supply a sample. They also escape any loss by avoiding the likelihood of not selling all the various variations.

  • Avoid Excessive Sparkle in Gemstones

Gemstones are meant to be reflective, so it's hard to avoid their shine. Navigating round the glares, shadows, colored dots, and other distortions is hard. Sometimes there's no way of fixing it aside from getting expert photo retouching services. A buyer who wants to shop for diamond jewelry online would like it to seem as spotless as it’s advertised to be. 

The angles got to be sharp; the sunshine should produce the right sparkle. Retouching can fix any defects and restore the brilliance of the gemstones in images in order that their details are visible. The goal is to form it look natural without affecting its original design or style.

With more brands shifting their stores online a day, the jewellery market is extremely competitive. In such a situation, retouching helps you gain a foothold by adding knowledgeable touch to your images to form them more appealing to prospective buyers. Most photo editing agencies in India offer product image editing services, but our team of Adobe certified experts can deliver quality assured results even under a decent deadline.    

Friday 3 September 2021

Everything You Need To Know About Photo & Image Editing Services

 Image editing has various applications in many fields. Photographers need editing to improve the quality of their images by enhancing some features and improving the overall appearance of their shots. Business owners who need to display their products in the best light to make them better appealing to customers cannot brush aside the importance of image editing services. 

Not every person requires the same services, so they are broken into individual parts so they can be easily customized. Let’s take a look at the most common editing services offered by freelance experts and agencies alike.

  1. Clipping Path:

Clipping path service is the initial editing step to isolate a product from an image, and it may be used in combination with other services to get the desired results. It helps by removing unwanted objects and backgrounds and is easy to apply to images with sharp backgrounds. It can be used to replace the original background with a plain one or to keep it transparent. 

The pen tool feature in Photoshop is commonly used to clip images easily. But to get a refined outline in more complicated images, you may need to outsource an expert. There are various levels of clipping path depending on the complexity of the image.

  1. Image Masking:

Masking means you’re limiting the area where a particular layer or adjustment is visible. Image masking is a process used to hide selected portions of an image and show other parts. A masking tool allows you to adjust a specific selected part of the image while leaving the rest completely untouched. For example, you could use a mask to brighten your subject to make it stand out while leaving the background unedited. 

Masking gives you precise control of how and where photo editing adjustments take place by separating the image into layers. Since it is also a non-destructive process of image editing you can adjust and tweak the mask later if necessary. 

  1. Background Removal:

Image background removal is used to isolate the object from the background to give it a more clean look. Distracting objects or a non-white background can disturb the viewers focus from the object, which is disadvantageous, especially in eCommerce. A cleaner, more simple look can drastically improve the image by emphasizing the subject. Other than maintaining the customer’s focus, many online marketplaces also require a white background to upload product images.

  1. Ghost Mannequin

A ghost mannequin effect shows parts of the product that would otherwise not be visible in a single shot with a mannequin or model. Designers remove the mannequin from a particular garment product and combine different images to compile other obscured features into a single picture. 

This specialized service aims to show off both the outer and inner portions of the apparel. It lets customers know more about the product and better envision themselves wearing it. Because more people have shifted to shopping online, the importance of this service has been increasing than before. The ghost mannequin effect or invisible mannequin effect is one of the most cost-effective ways of presenting your products to online customers.

  1. Image Editing & Retouching:

Image retouching services involve improving the appearance of an image and is done to remove certain defects and enhance the overall look. This can be minor defects such as dust or dirt on the camera lens, sensor, or stray hairs on the object. Fashion publications often use retouching to remove any blemishes to alter the image for a better presentation. 

Typically, the process of retouching an image involves making small localized adjustments to it and are employed as a finishing touch to polish off the final image after globalized adjustments (such as color correction services). While editing is a basic altering of images to correct certain aspects, retouching is actual photo manipulation used to change the look.

  1. Image Restoration:

Photographs can lose their quality over time, and image restoration helps to reverse any damages, undo defects and reinstate the quality of the image. Image restoration aims to recover an image that was blurred or damaged somehow and restore it to its original form.

Image restoration services are offered for vintage photos, damaged photos, black and white photos, color-flawed photos, etc., to recover photos and make them free from any sort of deterioration due to factors such as age, water, and dust.

If you are looking for an experienced image editing agency to help with any of the above services or more, contact us at Clipixie. We offer tailored, quality assured services and deliver professionally edited images in no time.

Tuesday 31 August 2021

How Much Does It Actually Cost To Outsource Photo Editing Services?

 Let’s say you are looking for someone for product image editing. But how will you evaluate if you are paying the right price for that service? A lot goes into editing, and different vendors employ different pricing structures to calculate the cost of their editing services. Therefore, you need to understand which factors contribute to the cost and how the prices are structured to choose the best option.

How is the editing pricing determined?

  • Labor Costs: The payment will largely depend on the skill and the level of experience. Low-level skills include basic edits like getting rid of blemishes or background retouching, while advanced editing involves image transformations and other complex forms of retouching. Vendor location also matters since companies or freelancers who reside in cities with a lower cost of living will be more affordable. 

  • Tools: The equipment and software used by the contractor also matter. Experts who use specialized or more sophisticated tools to deliver the best results will likely charge more than those who use the basic software.  

  • Complexity: While image editing images might sound simple, it involves a lot of work- both time and effort, in reality. Depending on the type of photo retouching services you require and the nature of the edits, the time and the skills necessary to finish the project can vary. 

Simple tasks like getting rid of the background or removing small smudges cost considerably less than more complicated work like placing the subject in another background or combining different images. Products with simple shapes and sharp, clear boundaries are easier to edit than fuzzy products like stuffed animals or objects that blend into the background.

  • Turnaround Time: Faster delivery will require a higher charge if you need the edits within a few hours or days. While experts have the skill to ensure that accuracy remains and quality is not compromised, they charge extra if the work has a tight deadline. Some photo editing agencies operate 24/7, so no matter your time zone, they’re able to provide services quickly. 

  • Volume: Some vendors offer low prices on bulk orders, and you may end up paying less per photo when you place large orders. So if you have high-volume projects, you can inquire about any available discounts depending on the number of images you need to get edited. 

Different Pricing Structures for Photo Editing Services

  1. Pay-as-you-go Model

In this model, you will be charged on a per-project or per-photo basis. Once you have given a brief about the work, the contractor will set the fee and get back to you. 


  • Transparency 

  • Pay according to the project

  • No billing surprises

  • Scale your budget based on your need


  • Hard to keep track of all projects 

  • Not ideal for ongoing work 

  • Possibility of multiple billings in a month 

  1. Monthly Subscription

For a monthly subscription, you will be charged a fixed fee for your retouching needs as long as they fit whichever subscription “plan” you choose.


  • Predictability

  • Ideal for large projects

  • No repeated order placements


  • Less flexibility

  • The number of projects is included

  • Pay the same, with or without a subscription

  1. Hourly Rates

Some vendors charge by the hour, and once you have agreed on a rate, they send you an invoice based on the number of hours they have worked.  


  • Allows project flexibility 

  • Easy to change the scope of work 

  • No limit to work and edits


  • Unpredictable pricing 

  • The final cost is known after a project is done

  • Difficult to budget

Outsourcing is time-saving and cost-effective if you can find the right agency that provides professional services for the best value. If you are looking for an agency for background cleanup, ghost mannequins, image retouching, and other editing services, you can get in touch with us. 

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